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Making Slides with PowerPoint
Making PWIB Slides with Word or Publisher

Click the slide above for tips on making PWIB slides with PowerPoint, OR click below for help using Word or Publisher.

We can help you get the word out.

PWIB members can use two services to share information about their business or advertise upcoming events: the PWIB Monthly Luncheon Slide Rotation and PWIB E-BLASTS. Each comes with a small fee.

PWIB Monthly Luncheon Slide Rotation

Get seen on the screen. Our slide show runs during most of our regular luncheons.

To feature your business or event, simply provide us with a digital image of your slide. Slide spots are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Slides are also displayed on the website. Pre-payment is required.

The slide and payment must be received at least 10 days prior to the date of the first luncheon for the desired rotation. 

For more information and scheduling, please contact


 $10  for ONE  luncheon
 $20  for THREE consecutive luncheons
 $30  for SIX  consecutive luncheons
 $50  for TWELVE  consecutive luncheons (one ad change allowed quarterly)

Prepayment is required.

The slide and payment must be received at least ten days prior to the date of the first luncheon for the desired rotation.

For more information and scheduling, please contact


Want to reach the full PWIB membership? Send an E-BLAST! $50 per mailing. 

Contact PWIB executive director Marlene Trenholm 

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